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The Car Trouble 

The Car Trouble was originally created during my final academic year. It was my Capstone Project, so we were provided with two choices of two sets and a fully rigged character, named Kayla. The theme of the story was also limited, it has to be either connected to a car or a Tv.

I chose the car and respective set theme because I felt like I would be able to perform more and better in an open space and with a broad idea. I came up with multiple stories and continued with the current one which was approved and most liked by my professors. 

From the storyboarding, animatic, blocking, spline, and polish pass, including some prop modeling, lighting, and texturing of the set everything took me about 100+ hrs. 

I absolutely loved and also dreaded working on this project because as much as it was fun to animate and model there have been times when I got stuck whether it was just a walk animation or working with the rigged prop. In the end, I learned a lot about animation and other stuff and I am very proud to present my work to you. 


Also, I would like to give my special thanks to my professor Nick Mayurry & Marc Overney, my professors, and my family and friends who helped and supported me through my journey. 

Spline Pass
Blocking Pass+
Blocking Pass
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